Ashburton CBD Revitalisation Project Update for week of 6 September 2021

Contractors have made good progress on East Street under Alert Level 3 and are now allowing some vehicles in the CBD as more shops and businesses re-open under Alert Level 2.
While the re-construction of East Street continues, traffic signals will be installed at Moore Street next week.
East Street between Moore and Tancred Streets remains closed. Re-construction of the road is progressing well with the chipseal surface to be laid on Friday 10 September. This section of East Street will be asphalt concreted on Tuesday 14 September and will then be reopened for vehicles.
East Street between Tancred and Burnett Streets reopened to traffic last night, 7 September. This will see both Burnett and Tancred Streets reopening at the East Street end.
Traffic from Burnett Street will be able to turn left or right into East Street. Vehicles turning left/south will be able to travel down to Tancred Street and then head east on Tancred Street to exit on Cass Street. Vehicles turning right will be able to go up to Havelock Street.
There will still be no parking on East Street, but pedestrian access remains available from the West Street carpark and the eastern side of the CBD.
East Street between Tancred and Burnett will be chipsealed on Friday 10 September and asphalt concreted on Sunday/Monday 19/20 September.
East Street between Burnett Street and Havelock Street was open to northbound vehicles only from last night 7 September. The shop-side roadway construction is progressing well, but this will not be complete until Monday 20 September and both sides of this section will be asphalt concreted on Monday 20 September.
The traffic signals at the intersection of Moore/East streets will be installed next week. They will be commissioned on Thursday 23 September; once commissioned and fully functioning, the whole intersection will be reopened. Ahead of the full re-opening, Moore Street over the railway line may be opened next week for vehicles only travelling east or west along Moore Street.
The footpath on the shop-side of East Street between Tancred and Burnett Streets is having ducting and stormwater sub mains installed this week. Once installed, the remaining footpath surface is being dug out and prepped for paving. The paving team will today begin paving from Tancred Street heading north to Burnett Street and anticipate having this section completed by the middle/end of next week.
Footpath work will then move to the Tancred Street to Moore Street section of East Street. Again, underground infrastructure will be installed before the surface work can commence.
Tru-Line Civil, the contractor, will try to carry out the footpath work with the least disruption possible and liaise with each business as required.
The remaining tree pits on Havelock Street are being installed this week. Work will then move to completing the planting etc in Burnett Street and working in the green space along East Street.
The last week has seen great progress with the East Street redevelopment with low numbers of people out and about, however, moving to Level 2 will see more shops/businesses reopening and the ongoing work will be quite disruptive to these businesses and pedestrians/customers as they negotiate their way around the CBD.
The project completion date of 22 November is still being worked to, however, any further delays with lockdowns or weather events will certainly make this date harder to achieve.
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