Take care: Icy conditions make driving tricky

Published: 12 July 2021

Winter driving messages are being reinforced by the Ashburton District Council with frosts forecast and the possibility of icy roads.

Infrastructure Services Group Manager Neil McCann said road users need to be on the lookout for slippery patches and pay more attention to sections of road which are shaded by trees.

“Please watch your following distances too, slow down and turn your lights on. There might also be ice on some bridge decks and areas that get no sunlight.

“Drive slower than you normally would as it only takes a split second to lose control in wet or icy conditions.”

Council looks after 2,623 km of sealed and unsealed roads around the district and Council officers inspect local roads to find and fix roads with low surface texture, which affects the level of grip available with the tyre.

They also regularly contact property owners about tall trees that can stop the sun getting onto the roads to melt the ice.

Additionally, contractors grit some roads where ice forms in the early mornings, but motorists still needed to slow down and drive to the conditions.

Mr McCann says frozen windscreens were a common problem in winter for many motorists and they should make sure they are clear before driving. Free ice-scraper are available for the community at Council's main Administration Building.

“Everyone needs to play a part in keeping ourselves and others safe on the road. Talk to the new or inexperienced drivers in your family about the dangers of ice on roads.”

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