Hands-on with Head Pieces at the Museum

Published: 19 May 2021

Uniquely designed hand-made headpiece creations have been spotted leaving the Ashburton Museum with their proud creators as part of the Critters, Creatures and Curiosities exhibit running there from 16 April to 27 June.

The Ashburton Youth Council took part in the activity as a team-building exercise a part of their monthly Youth Council meeting. They even invited members of Selwyn Youth Council to join in, proving to be a hit!

With sewing kits at the ready, both Youth Councils twisted florist wires around feathers, fabrics, and headbands to craft their own decorated ears, antlers, or antennae.

“The Youth Councillors made antlers, mouse ears, and even an alien-eye,” said Youth Council Chair Michael Baker.

“It was tricky, but a good icebreaker,” he added.

Ashburton District Council Community Services Group Manager, Steve Fabish said the Ashburton Museum exhibitions are a great educational and enjoyable resource available to our community.

“With every exhibition, we have a family-friendly learning activity that people can take home with them as a souvenir. We aim to provide a good half-day of entertainment for all ages,” he said.

The Critters, Creatures and Curiosities exhibition features attention-grabbing, animal-made, or related items from traditional animal products to skulls and whale vertebrae.

The exhibition is running now through 27 June 2021.

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