Join our Living in Lockdown library competition!

Published: 25 August 2021

Ashburton Library wants to know how lockdown 2.0 is going for you and is running a competition to find the best stories – using words or art.

Community Services Group Manager Steve Fabish said the Living in Lockdown competition was about finding ways for people to share their experiences.

“It is open to all ages and there will be prizes in each of the four categories.”

Entries need to be submitted by 5 pm Friday 10 September. Winners will be announced on Wednesday 15 September.

Here are the ways you can share your story with us -

In a piece of writing: A short story, an article, a poem.

In a drawing: A landscape of lockdown life, Things that are important in lockdown, A portrait

Or a creative piece: A collage, a stop motion movie, a 3D model, a piece of art that reflects lockdown for you.

The competition is open to all of the Ashburton District communities and to all ages. It will be judged under the following age groups:

·         8 years and under
·         9 - 12 years
·         13 – 16 years
·         17 years + (Adult category)

Prizes will be a $25 Whitcoulls gift voucher for the winner of each age category.

All entries will need to be submitted with your full name, age group, title of piece, and a short description if your entry is not a piece of writing. Submit your entries by email to by 5pm Friday 10 September 2021. Winners will be announced on Wednesday 15 September.

Entries will be published to the Library's Facebook and Instagram pages.

Click here to learn more info

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