Chief Executive: More qualify for rates rebate

Published: 7 July 2022

The Annual Plan is signed and sealed for the new financial year, its final form influenced in part by more than 100 or so submitters who made their views known to council in the consultation phase.

While an average 9.4 per cent rate rise across the district might seem high, it is a realistic rise in order to keep providing the services that ratepayers expect. People said they did not want to see us doing less, and lobbied for more spending on footpaths and roads.

Councils up and down the country have struggled with their annual budgets this financial year, because inflation and covid uncertainties have pushed up prices.

Affordability is always top of mind for Councillors, so it was good news then to hear that Government has made some changes to the eligibility of low income households for rates rebates.

The Rates Rebate Scheme is a partial refund to ease rates bills for low income people. It provides financial relief for those who own their own home and live in it, and it includes people living in retirement villages, but does not apply to rental or holiday homes or commercial premises.

The maximum annual rebate has increased from $665 to $700. The abatement threshold increased from $26,510 to $28,080 income for the year to March 2022.

The increases mean more households in the Ashburton district will be eligible for assistance, helping them keep up with the cost of living. Call our customer services team if you think this applies to you.

Another important document under way is the pre-election report. This is a state-of-play report on our district, to help inform those thinking about standing in the coming local elections.

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