MAYOR: Rakaia township speed review welcomed

People power has encouraged the NZ Transport Agency to conduct a formal review of the speed limit through Rakaia, instead of just reverting it back to 70kmh.
I was among those who wrote to the agency with concerns after Government said the new 50kmh would revert back automatically on 1 July. Clearly, I was not alone.
A six-week period of formal consultation will begin early April, with a decision by July, and so I encourage you all to watch out for notice about when the consultation starts.
The speed limit review is a legal process, and the community feedback will be considered alongside a technical assessment and cost-benefit disclosure.
NZTA is also planning a speed review for the intersection of SH1 and Weavers Road, to support the safe operation of the northbound Rakaia Commercial Vehicle Safety Centre, so make sure you click the links when they are available and have your say.
There's been good work done by the Rakaia Community Association on this issue already, so keep it up.
At this week's council meeting, we'll be talking about the future of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services for the Ashburton District - these three waters reforms are big and complex, and it's important we talk to the community about them.
Residents will be receiving a note from me in their letterboxes next month, along with some information about our proposed future service delivery model. I urge you to read it.
Another major piece of work is our Annual Plan, and a workshop on Friday morning should make good progress on setting rates for the next financial year. As always, this is a balancing act between needs and wants, and what our community can afford.
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MAYOR: Rakaia township speed review welcomed
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