Hakatere water notice extended by three days

Council is extending the conserve water notice for the Hakatere drinking water supply for another three days so additional work can be done on the water plant infrastructure.
Group Manager of Infrastructure and Open Spaces Neil McCann said a small mechanical issue was discovered at the treatment plant, while contractors were installing a new bore pump and riser pipes.
“The original work went to plan and it makes sense that we deal with this issue now while residents are still conserving water. We expect the bore and treatment plant to be back running normally by 5pm on Monday 24 February.”
He said Council would keep the water supply’s reservoirs full over the weekend by tankering water to the treatment plant, but residents were asked to continue to use water only for essential household activities during the extended repair period.
Essential use includes water for showering, cooking, drinking, using the toilet and washing clothes. It does not include things like washing vehicles, watering lawns or filling paddling pools.
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