Looking after our parks and reserves

Published: 13 June 2024

Council is encouraging residents to provide their feedback on a draft plan for managing Ashburton District’s 121 parks and reserves.

The Draft Reserve Management Plan sets out how local parks and reserves will be managed, what activities they'll cater for and what facilities will be provided.

The plan has five volumes, each focused on a particular topic or area, ranging from general principles to specific policies for individual reserves.  

Group Manager Infrastructure and Open Spaces, Neil McCann, says Council is keen for people to have their say on any part of the draft plan.

“You don’t need to comment on all the volumes, there might just be one particular section or park that interests you and we’d love to hear what you think.”

The draft plan was prepared following early community engagement last year.

Mr McCann said the feedback highlighted the immense value that locals place on the district’s green spaces. “The consistent message we heard was that people love their local parks and want to see them kept tidy and well maintained.”

Submitters also supported more tree planting, with a focus on native species, and were keen to see playgrounds upgraded and become more inclusive, especially for those with limited mobility.  

Mr McCann said the Council had also sought input from the district’s reserve boards, sports groups and other park users.

“All of this feedback has helped create a plan that reflects the needs of our community, however it’s still a draft and people now have another chance to have their say before the final plan is adopted by Council.”  

People can view a map of the reserves and provide their feedback online at itsourplace.nz or grab a paper feedback form from Te Whare Whakatere.  

Submissions close Sunday 4 August.

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