Cr Leen Braam: Time to talk about our Long Term Plan
It’s time again for a new LTP consultation.
No, it doesn’t stand for Leen’s Tea Party (could be nice) but it is Ashburton District Council’s draft Long Term Plan.
Councillors and Council staff have spent a lot of time over the past 12 months with workshops and consultations to get to this draft LTP ready for you and I hope you all will have a good look through it.
Why? Because it affects most of us.
It gives us a direction for the future of the Ashburton District, it affects your rates, the way we spend your rates, and the work we do.
And now is the time for you to tell us if we are right or are we wrong.
Talking and listening to different groups and individuals recently, some believe they are not "feeling the love” from Council and Councillors.
As an example, a part of the growing and great Tinwald community is not feeling the love regarding Council’s plans to close the Tinwald pool (the preferred option in the draft LTP).
No decision has been made yet, but we need to hear which of the five water play options you prefer.
There are four other key decisions we would like to hear from you on:
- The future of Balmoral Hall and old Polytech land
- Getting out of providing stock water
- EA Networks centre stadium extension
- Kerbside green waste collection
Come and have a chat with us during one of our community meetings, at a Saturday Sausage Sizzle and wherever we “pop up” and share with Councillors your passion and love for our communities and district.
We start with the first sausage sizzle this Saturday, 6 April at the Tinwald Pool, between 10am-2pm.
Grab a free sausage and have a chat with us and share your ideas.
Love to see you there!
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