Council services on Waitangi Day 2024

The Waitangi Day public holiday on Tuesday 6 February 2024 will see temporary changes to operating hours at some Council facilities and to some Council services.
The Ashburton library and administration building, Te Whare Whakatere, will be closed but you can still get in touch with us at any time if you have a problem or urgently need to contact us - the afterhours service will be operating 24 hours-a-day, please phone 03 307 7700.
The annual Multi Cultural Bite is on at the Ashburton Domain on Waitangi Day, and we expect a lot more traffic than normal in the domain area, so take care driving or walking during the festival’s operating hours 10am-2pm. Parking is available on both sides of Walnut Avenue.
Rubbish and Recycling
There is no change to kerbside rubbish and recycling collections on Waitangi Day, Tuesday 6 February. If Tuesday is your usual collection day, please have your bins out as normal by 7.30am, and please use your windstrap, no matter the weather.
Resource Recovery Parks
The Ashburton Resource Recovery Park will be open on Waitangi Day from 9am-6pm.
EA Networks Centre
The centre will open on Tuesday from 10am-5pm. Classes on the day are Virtual Body Balance at 12.15pm and The Trip at 3.30pm.
There will be no learn-to-swim lessons on Tuesday, Waitangi Day.
Check EANC’s Facebook page for extra activities.
Ashburton Library, Te Kete Tuhinga
The Ashburton Library will be closed on Tuesday, Waitangi Day.
Ashburton Art Gallery and Museum
The Ashburton Art Gallery and Museum will be open 10am-4pm on Waitangi Day.
Two exhibitions are in their final days at the facility - David Elliot’s Wind and Waves, and Chris Pole’s Crooked Spur.
Elliot was inspired by Port Chalmers and the Otago Harbour for this work, which features people and creatures in, on, above and near the ocean, with histories of exploration and scientific research.
Pole’s inspiration for his landscape paintings comes from the Southern Alps, but he does not paint in the traditional landscape genre and leaves visitors feeling as if they are participants rather than observers.
Both exhibitions end on Sunday 11 February.
Administration services at Te Whare Whakatere
Council’s administration services at Baring Square East will close at 5pm on Monday 5 February, and re-open at 8.30am on Wednesday 7 February.
If you have a problem or urgently need to contact us, then the afterhours/24 hours-a-day service will be operating - please phone 03 307 7700.
Emails, Snap Send Solves and website requests will be cleared when the office opens for business as usual on Wednesday.
Public toilets around the district will be open daily as usual.
All services will return to normal by Wednesday 7 February.
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