Western Ward nomination period has a week to go

Published: 9 March 2023

With two nominations received as at 8 March, an election is now guaranteed in the Western Ward by-election.

However, time is running out for anyone else who wants to stand, with nominations closing in seven days.

Nearly anyone can stand, as long as they are over the age of 18, a New Zealand citizen and enrolled on the Parliamentary electoral roll.

Candidates don’t have to live in the Western Ward, but their nominators do.

Ashburton District Council Chief Executive Hamish Riach said completed nomination forms had to be received by midday on Thursday 16 March.

“So, if you are thinking of standing, or know of someone who is, then now is the time to make sure the nomination form is completed and submitted.”

Copies of the nomination form and a by-election information sheet can be found at voteashburton.nz

Mr Riach said the online candidate guide had good information for those thinking about standing.

“There is no specific job description for councillors, however as representatives and leaders of their communities, they are involved in setting policies, making regulatory decisions and reviewing council performance. People do need a passion for their community and a desire to see it do well.”

The election will held by postal vote and voting papers will be mailed out to Western Ward electors around 20 April. Voting will close at midday on Friday 12 May.

The Western Ward is known for strong voter turnouts; in the recent 2022 Local Elections, over half of the 4331 registered votes returned their papers.

Mr Riach said people who did not receive papers last October or who had moved since then would need to ensure they were on the electoral roll if they wanted to vote in the by-election.

“We have electoral rolls available at the Methven i-Hub at the Mt Hutt Memorial Hall, and at Council’s main office in Ashburton and at the Ashburton Public Library, so people can check their details if need be.”

Electors may enrol or amend their enrolment details online at www.vote.nz, by texting their name and address to 3676 or by calling 0800 36 76 56 to ask for a form to be sent. Email requests can be sent to enquiries@elections.govt.nz

As in last year’s Local Elections, voters will be able to return their ballot papers by post or drop them into orange voting bins at the Methven i-Hub, Ashburton Library or Council building.

A list of current nominees can be found at voteashburton.nz

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