Water meters flag 202 potential leaks on private property

Published: 22 June 2023

Council is alerting 202 property owners in the Methven, Mt Somers and Mayfield areas that they might have a leaking water pipe.

The properties have been flagged because of data collected from water meters.

Infrastructure and Open Spaces Group Manager Neil McCann said routine water meter reading had identified potential leaks at some properties where the smart meters had triggered warning flags.

“The flag simply identifies that a continuous flow of water has been recorded through the meter over a 24-hour period and that would suggest a leak somewhere on the property.

“It could be as simple as a washer in a toilet cistern needs replacing.”

Water meters have been installed at Mayfield, Mt Somers and Methven over the past few years to help reduce leaks in drinking water schemes. Meters help identify if the leaks are in Council’s pipe networks, or on private property.

Mr McCann said any leak in private pipework was the customer’s responsibility and should be repaired as soon as possible to reduce water being wasted and to prevent damage on property and buildings.

“Sometimes the leaks are obvious, but other times you will need a plumber and some plumbing firms have acoustic leak detection equipment to help find the leak.”

Letters being sent to the 202 properties also include an information sheet on how to read a water meter and advice on locating leaks.

Council will do a follow-up reading in a month and advise if water use has changed.

If you want to discuss your onsite water leakage issue, or advise of any completed repairs, please contact us by email info@adc.govt.nz with the subject line “Water leak” or call customer services on 03 307 7700.

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