New civic building to open for business on 18 December

Published: 11 October 2023

Ashburton’s new library and civic centre building Te Whare Whakatere is expected to open for business Monday 18 December.

There will be a three-week transition period as nearly 150 staff from the Ashburton Public Library and Council’s administration building prepare for work in the new building.

The library will close on Sunday 26 November at 4pm and reopen on Monday 18 December with new operating hours – Monday 8.30am-6pm, Tuesday-Thursday 8.30am-8pm, Friday 8.30am-6pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm. It will be closed on public holidays.

All other Council services will be available during the transition period, with a skeleton staff operating from the old administration building on Baring Square West.

Chief Executive Hamish Riach said that like any major construction project, it had only been possible to set an opening date as the complex neared completion.

“And now that we have a date to work towards, we can book in the people we need to help us physically move.

“That is a big logistical exercise because we are moving the library, and over 60,000 books, as well as all the functions and staff at the administration building.”

Many of the 130 staff who usually work in the administration building will be working from other council facilities or from home, but the customer services counter at Baring Square West will be open right up until close of business on Thursday 14 December, so residents can continue to chat with our team face to face or pay rates as they normally would.

Mr Riach said the 12 library staff would be heavily involved in relocating and setting up in Te Whare Whakatere.

“While the library will be closed for three weeks, people will still be able to access the library’s digital services and eBooks, and staff will be busy planning a full calendar of activities over summer in their new home. The new library will house not only books but be a modern and creative learning space that can accommodate all its different users, and we look forward to welcoming the community into this space.”

Transferring Council’s computer system and information network is a major task and work is already under way in the new building on the network connection, and the data services it supports.

An official ceremony with special guests is planned in early 2024, and the community will also be invited to celebrate.

Mr Riach said the building would be blessed ahead of a staff induction day on Friday 15 December.

“We’re really excited to get to this point, because it’s been a tricky build at times with covid and the shortages of staff and building materials. But this building is resilient and will serve our community well for 50 years or more, so we’re delighted.”

Council’s contact details remain the same, though its physical address will change to 2 Baring Square East.

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