Mayor Neil Brown welcomes new Kiwi citizens

Published: 14 June 2023

Mayor Neil Brown with some of the 47 new Kiwis at their citizenship ceremony recently.

Forty-seven people, from 13 different countries, officially became Kiwis recently at a citizenship ceremony at the Ashburton Event Centre.

Mayor Neil Brown welcomed the new New Zealand citizens and said the country’s own rich history and heritage could be enhanced by the culture they bought from their homelands.

“The good wishes and support of the people of the Ashburton community are with you and we look forward to you spending many years in our district.”

The 47 pledged loyalty to their new country and received a kōwhai seedling, along with their citizenship certificates – the young tree symbolic of their new start in life.

The Ashburton Intermediate School’s kapa haka group provided a traditional Maori powhiri to welcome them.

The citizens, supported by friends and family, shared a supper with the mayor and councillors after the formalities.

“The final part of the journey is now complete and now you are an important part of our community,” Mayor Brown told them.

The citizenship ceremony also included a video welcome from Governor-General Dame Cindy Kiro, who said all New Zealanders had journeyed from other lands at some time, leaving a familiar world behind to look for opportunities somewhere new.

“As Kiwis, you will join one of the most diverse populations in the world.”

She said migrants played a central role in shaping the future direction of New Zealand. “Our history will become part of your history, and your future will become part of our future.”

Citizenship ceremonies are organised by Council’s economic development team.

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