Local numbers matter in Census count-up

Published: 13 February 2023

Ashburton residents are being encouraged to take part in the 2023 Census because the information gathered will help Council get a clearer picture of what you, your family and your community need.

The census is run by Statistics New Zealand and on Tuesday 7 March every person who is in the country that night will need to do the survey. Packs will arrive by mail soon.

Council Democracy and Engagement Group Manager Toni Durham said census answers were confidential, but peoples’ responses combined helped Council, government agencies and other groups plan or grow services.

“The majority of questions are the same as for previous censuses, because that helps us understand how the country is changing over time. It also alerts us to where our future needs will be, for example, we may find we have more young adults, migrants or an aging population, and we can then tailor or plan Council services in response.

“Data is power and it helps us make better decisions about our communities.”

If you need support to fill in your forms, the Ashburton Public Library, on Havelock Street, and the Citizens Advice Bureau on Cass Street, will have people available to help with completing your census.

Llibrary staff will be able to assist completing Census forms during the following times: Monday to Friday 9am to 7.30pm, Saturday 10am to 12.30pm and Sunday 1pm to 3.30pm.

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