Cr Russell Ellis: Civic centre designed for the future

Published: 14 April 2023

It certainly does not seem like four years have passed since Council went to the community and asked for its thoughts about a new library and civic centre.

That piece of consultation in 2019 drove decisions on the current building under construction, which we now know will come in about 10 per cent over budget.

It's worth noting that back then, Council's preferred option was a $45 million mid-range building - but during consultation Councillors were given the message, loud and clear, that the community wanted a building for the future. Do it once, do it right, we were told at the time.

As a member of the Project Control Group back then, and now, I've kept a close eye on how it's tracking. I poured over the original tender documents, and I've subjected the budget to some fairly rigorous forensic accounting.

It's fair to say we too are disappointed that we are now expecting the project to run over its current $56.75m budget by about 10 per cent. But you can't change covid and you can't change the economy, both of which have had a major impact on the cost rise.

It is also fair to say that a $20m Shovel Ready Project grant from the Government during covid means no-one's rates will change because of what has happened.

We will end up with a fantastic facility and it will cost ratepayers no more than what was projected at consultation in 2019.

Those critical of the project only need look at the current Ashburton Public Library, which needs major earthquake strengthening, and the existing Council administration building, which is bursting at the seams and a long way from an ideal working space.

This is also a project that has spanned several terms of Council and three mayors, and has been robustly debated by many local people elected by their communities to sit at the Council table.

Doing nothing has never been an option and I am excited at the benefits that the library, Te Pātaka o kā Tuhituhi and civic centre, Te Waharoa a Hine Paaka will bring for the whole district.

Our modern library, with special learning spaces, will be a place for everyone to enjoy and be proud of, and the whole of Baring Square East and the CBD in general will be regenerated as a result.

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