Bike track over landfill closed, new route planned

Published: 26 May 2023

Mt Ash will be off limits for users of the Ashburton River mountain bike track from Monday 29 May when contractors begin remediation work on the town’s old landfill.

The old landfill was capped over 20 years ago and is strictly managed to conditions set by Environment Canterbury.

The remediation work will protect it from potential flooding in the Ashburton River, and involves creating 11 concrete groynes at the base of the landfill, known as Mt Ash by bikers and walkers who use the nearby track.

The groynes will protect the base of the landfill and will eventually be covered in earth and landscaped. The section of track that went up over the landfill is being decommissioned and a new track created to permanently bypass the landfill.

The informal dog exercise area off Range Street will also be closed because of the remediation work under way.
Infrastructure and Open Spaces Group Manager Neil McCann said protecting the landfill from floodwaters was important work.

“The 2021 floods came right to the foot of the landfill so we know that floodwaters pose a risk and we don’t want them to expose the landfill and its contents.

“This first groyne will be one of 11 and the work will be done over the next few years.”

Mr McCann said the Range Street dog exercise area would also be closed while the work is in progress.

“There will be machinery working in the area, so we need to keep dogs and people away until the work is completed.”

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