Ashburton adopts Masterton under cyclone support scheme

Published: 23 February 2023

A Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) programme to support cyclone-affected areas has paired Ashburton District Council with Masterton District Council.

The ‘Adopt a community’ programme is a nationwide initiative that connects councils with some of the most devastated regions – community to community.

“Masterton District is farming-based, around a similar population and not much different to our own community,” said Mayor Neil Brown. “We’ve all been seeing the devastating scenes from up North and we want to help in a meaningful way”.

Masterton District Mayor Gary Caffell said damage was worst in the eastern and coastal areas, with the community of Tinui particularly badly affected by flooding, and farms in the area suffering damage to fences and buildings, and loss of stock.

“We are humbled and very grateful for support from Ashburton District Council and the people of your district in ‘adopting’ Masterton District following Cyclone Gabrielle”, said Mayor Caffell.

“We are very aware of the impact of flooding on your own district 18 months ago. Like you, we are very much a rural district and the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle ranges from damage to community facilities and individual properties, to businesses being compromised”.

Ashburton District Mayor Neil Brown says the Council had no hesitation to signing up when they heard about the programme.

“We had already launched a Mayoral Flood Relief fund locally, but this programme gives us a direct connection with a badly affected community”, said Mayor Brown.

“Going forward, we want to raise money for our adopted community – by encouraging donations for Masterton”.

“We know from experience, that getting a community back on its feet is a marathon not a sprint. That’s especially true with a disaster at this scale, so we’ll be looking at ways we can provide support over the medium to long-term as well”.

Masterton District is part of the Wairarapa region situated on the eastern coast of the North Island, south of the Hawke’s Bay region.

LGNZ has had a positive response from councils across New Zealand signing up to ‘adopt’ cyclone-affected communities.

Tinui Times Cyclone Flood Rural 2023


The bank account name and number for donations is:

Ashburton District Council Westpac Account 03-1592-0521970-04

Reference: MASTERTON

Photo credit: Tinui Times 2023

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