Some public toilets to close at night to thwart vandals

Published: 12 September 2022

Council has begun closing some of its public toilets at night in an attempt to deter vandals that have been targeting facilities.

About twice a week over the past several months, staff cleaning the public toilets at Argyle Park and East Street have arrived to find graffiti on the walls of toilet cubicles, or soap dispensers ripped from their fittings and toilet paper strewn about.

A fire was deliberately lit in one cubicle at the Ashburton Domain playground.

Community Services Group Manager Steve Fabish said public toilets at Argyle Park, the Walnut Avenue sports pavilion, Ashburton Domain picnic ground and children’s playground were now being closed at night by Council’s security contractor. The toilets are unlocked again in the morning.

“The only public toilets open as usual are the ones near the domain entrance, which are well used by the travelling public, the East Street disabled access toilet and a toilet block at the Ashburton cemetery.

“It’s a shame it has come to this, but we are working with police on ways to stop this repeated vandalism and locking some toilets overnight removes an opportunity to cause damage.”

He said the recent spate of vandalism to the public toilets was concerning.

“Residents end up paying for vandalism through their rates, so we have been forced to take what we hope is a temporary measure to close some of our public toilets at night.

“Sadly, many other councils around the country have been locking their public toilets at night because of vandalism. This is not the Ashburton way and we need your help.

“So we are asking residents to keep an eye out and report this sort of behaviour to the police if they see it happening.”

Mr Fabish said Council had security cameras in various locations and were supplying footage to police.

“These cameras don’t always capture the people doing the damage, so we are asking the community to help be our eyes and ears.”

If you see our public toilets being vandalised, please call police on 105.

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