New sites for public traders as bylaw adopted

Published: 12 August 2022

New permitted sites for mobile traders, including food caravans, have been established across the District after the Council adopted the Trading in Public Spaces Bylaw in late July.

The new locations include sites in Rakaia and Lake Hood; areas within the District that were previously missing permitted sites. The public was consulted on the draft Bylaw in June and the Council received 29 submissions.

Group Manager Strategy and Compliance, Jane Donaldson, said the public’s feedback had helped the Council find the right direction for the updated regulations.

“The Council has always recognised the vibrancy that mobile traders, such as food caravans bring to our towns and events.

“However, it needs be balanced against the needs of our existing businesses and well managed, so it doesn’t cause a nuisance for the public.”

Ms Donaldson said much of the feedback centred around the permitted trading sites on Havelock Street next to Baring Square East and the temporary spots in front of the clock tower where food caravans had been located while the new Library and Civic building, Te Pātaka o kā Tuhituhi and Te Waharoa a Hine Paaka, was under construction.

Councillors opted to retain the Havelock St permitted site, and add new permitted sites on each side of the clock tower while keeping the area directly in front of the landmark clear for visitors and people stopping for photographs.

The Bylaw also obtained a new name, after being previously known as the Mobile Shops, Stalls and Hawkers Bylaw. The Council agreed that the new title was clearer and better described its purpose. The Council is now producing a help guide for those interested in trading on public sites which will help explain the bylaw’s requirements.

More information can be about the bylaw can be found here.

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