Motorcycle Awareness Month puts focus on rider safety and skills

Published: 30 August 2022

Ride Forever trainers are passionate about motorcycles.

Motorcycle Awareness Month starts on Thursday (1 September), with messages for all road users to be alert for motorcyclists and tips for riders on how to lessen their chances of being involved in a vehicle crash.

The safety messages are for all motorcyclists, from urban commuters and learners to experienced riders who cruise New Zealand’s scenic highways.

Motorcyclists are encouraged to improve their skills through a Ride Forever course, which gives them the skills and knowledge to get the most out of every ride. ACC evidence shows Ride Forever trained motorcyclists are 27% less likely to crash and have a motorcycle-related injury.

Their courses include:

Urban commuters - for new riders and offers more control and confidence in urban situations.

Bronze - for riders on their learner licence who are preparing for the restricted licence, and helps practice skills, increase confidence and better understand their bike’s capabilities.

Silver - for those who want to learn the skills to reach their full licences and is ideal for returning riders who have had a break from riding.

Gold - for those experienced riders wanting to get the most out of their bike and hone their riding skills and techniques. Groups can determine their own course content for the day.

During Motorcycle Awareness Month, all road users are being asked to look twice for motorcyclists when they are on the road.

Drivers are also asked to slow down behind motorcyclists, check their blind spots, always use indicators and remember that motorcycles can appear quickly.

Motorcyclists are also advised to make sure they have the right helmet, recognising that a third of head impacts in crashes are to the chin and that a well-fitting, full-face helmet offers the best protection.

Ride Forever training courses are run by experienced and passionate motorcycle riders, with courses costing between $20 and $50 over full and half days.

For more information, go to

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