Looking after our stormwater

Published: 19 August 2022

The Ashburton District Council is asking for feedback on a new draft Stormwater Bylaw that aims to better protect local stormwater infrastructure and the environment.

The urban stormwater network collects and carries rainwater that runs off outdoor surfaces such as roofs, driveways and roads. The stormwater can become polluted by contaminants such as chemicals, detergents and rubbish before entering the network and eventually being discharged to the environment.

Blockages in the stormwater network can lead to an increased risk of flooding during heavy rain events.

Group Manager of Infrastructure Services, Neil McCann says while everyone has a responsibility to keep stormwater clean, the bylaw includes a focus on industrial and commercial sites whose activities can pose a higher risk to the network.

“We’ll work alongside businesses in a staged approach to gradually improve the quality of stormwater in our network while still allowing them to continue with their daily activities.”

Mr McCann says Council staff will be contacting businesses who might be affected to let them know about the proposed bylaw and invite their feedback.

“We know that stormwater isn’t a topic that will excite everyone, however it can have a large impact on our urban flood risk and the environment, so we’re keen to get feedback from as many people as possible.”

Council has a responsibility to reduce contaminants in stormwater under the discharge resource consent that covers the Ashburton and Fairton area.

The Council is seeking two further resource consents for the stormwater networks serving Methven and Rakaia.  The Bylaw will support the effective operation of all three consents, when they are approved.

People can view the consultation document and have their say online at ashburtondc.govt.nz/haveyoursay

Submissions close 5pm, Sunday 18 September.

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