Ashburton Public Library goes fines free

The Ashburton Public Library is hoping to see more users now it has scrapped fines for overdue books.
The library dropped fines for overdue books borrowed from the children’s library in 2019 and this month it dropped overdue fines for the adult library.
Council Community Services Group Manager Steve Fabish said overdue fines had been reducing in recent years as more borrowers took advantage of online services.
“Council was happy to drop the overdue fines, as members can easily renew a book online now anyway to avoid fines.
“But this is more about removing barriers for some users. Nervousness about incurring fines has been keeping some people away, especially when they are busy and with the cost of living rising, as it is now.”
The decision to remove the overdue fines was made by Council as part of setting the Annual Plan for 2022-23. It brings the Ashburton Public Library into line with many other libraries around New Zealand and the world, which have become fines free.
“Library fines particularly affect those who cannot afford to pay and then those people stop using the library. We’re hoping that by removing fines, we’re removing a barrier to using our libraries,” Mr Fabish said.
“We are looking forward to welcoming back anyone who has stopped using the library because of the fear of accumulating fines.”
He said income from fines was not significant.
“When you put it against the whole library budget and the investment that council makes, it’s a small amount of money really, and staff no longer have to have those negative and often time-consuming conversations with members.”
Borrowers who do not return overdue books will be sent an account for items lost. If books are not returned, then Council will seek to recover the amount owing.
“Borrowers will receive email reminders well before this happens and should renew their books when prompted by email.”
The library is asking that members ensure their email addresses are up to date, and advise of any changes.
Details can be updated by emailing, with name/s, borrower number/s, and email.
Among those that have also removed overdue fines are Auckland Libraries, Central Hawkes Bay District Libraries, Rangitikei District Council Libraries, Masterton District Library, Upper Hutt Libraries, Selwyn District Libraries, Nelson Public Libraries, Waimakariri Libraries, Timaru District Libraries and Ĺpotiki Libraries.
The new policy for the Ashburton library took effect on 1 July, so fines outstanding prior to that date will remain on borrowers’ accounts and need to be paid.
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