From Waka Kotahi: eStops back in use on Monday

Published: 28 January 2022

Motorists travelling through roadworks at the intersection of Walnut and West Street/SH1 are being reminded that eStops will be operational again from Monday as the new school year begins.

The eStops on the highway have been assisting students to walk safely through the roadworks on their way to and from school. Waka Kotahi NZTA said the eStops worked well last year and were appreciated by both Ashburton College and Ashburton Intermediate school communities.

With students back to school, it's really important that everyone keeps to the 30km/h speed restrictions, which are helping to make the worksite a much safer environment.

A 30km/h speed restriction remains in place during the Walnut Avenue project to help keep road users and road workers safe. People are urged to travel through the site with extra care.

There will mostly be two lanes of traffic available on SH1, with Stop/Go used intermittently.

The team has made good progress on the stormwater basins, footpath construction and pavement construction, and the project is expected to be complete in late 2022/early 2023.

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