East side toilets among 'better off' projects for Council

Published: 9 September 2022

Council is seeking $250,000 from a special Government fund to install new public toilets on the eastern side of Ashburton.

The two-cubicle toilets would be at Digby Park, which is centrally located and well used by the community for sport, recreation and dog exercise. The park is on the corner of Havelock Street and Chalmers Avenue.

The project is among several Council is seeking money for under the Three Waters Reform “Better Off Funding” support package. Council can apply for up to $4.1 million in the first tranche, but projects must meet specific criteria, including wellbeing, and be approved by the Department of Internal Affairs.

The funds are not contingent on Council changing its position on the Three Waters Reform, which it continues to oppose.

Other Better Off Funding projects that Council has applied for money for include:

$2.3m Fairfield Freight Hub – to help fund the relocation of the rail freight yard from the town centre to a purpose-built facility at Fairton.
$900,000 for additional new footpaths
$200,000 for urgent repairs to five playgrounds
$200,000 for equipment in specialist spaces in the new Ashburton Public Library and Civic Centre
$200,000 for water treatment and new changing rooms at the Rakaia and Hinds swimming pools
$150,000 to relocate the South African War Memorial from Baring Square East to Baring Square West, as part of a major redevelopment of Baring Square East

The project list was approved by Council on 7 September.

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