Warm welcome for our new citizens

Published: 17 October 2022

Ashburton District has welcomed at least 200 new citizens in the past two years and about 100 of them were at the Ashburton Event Centre last week to celebrate their new citizenship status.

Mayor Neil Brown presented the citizenship certificates and congratulated the new citizens, 44 who gained their citizenship this month and the remainder from 2021.

Citizenship ceremonies this year and in 2021 were impacted by Covid-19 and a major flooding emergency, so last week’s was the first in-person ceremony in well over a year.

At the ceremony, Mr Brown presented the newest Kiwis with a certificate of citizenship issued by the Department of Internal Affairs, a native kowhai tree and a photo book of Ashburton to symbolise the occasion, and said his door was always open if they needed help.

Those whose citizenships had been mailed out during 2021 because of cancelled ceremonies were presented with a Welcome to Ashburton certificate, along with the kowhai tree and photo book.

The biggest group of new citizens over the past two years comes from the Philippines, with 82 being granted citizenship in that time. The next biggest group is from South Africa (36), followed by Samoa (19) and India (14).

Other new citizens have come from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Zimbabwe.

Council Community Services Group Manager Steve Fabish said it was also the first citizenship ceremony where new citizens were asked to pledge their allegiance to King Charles III, as head of the Commonwealth.

“Previously new citizens pledged their loyalty to Queen Elizabeth II so this was a first under the reign of the new king. It was also the first citizenship ceremony we have been able to hold without covid restrictions and it was great to see lots of families and friends there too in support.

“Under covid, they were mailed their certificate, so that is why all new citizens in the last year or so were invited to take part in this ceremony or another in December.”

He said it was an emotional occasion and the completion of a special journey for the new Kiwis.

“It was great to see our new citizens being supported by people they have come to know in our community. Ashburton district is a much richer place for the diversity and skills they bring.”

The ceremony included a video and message of welcome from the Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro.

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