Call for candidates as nominations open for local elections

Published: 15 July 2022

Nominations are now open for the 2022 local elections and the call has gone out for candidates to contest 21 roles around the Ashburton district.

Aside from the mayoral race, nine councillors will be elected to represent the three wards, as well as five Methven Community Board members and six Braided Rivers Community Trust members.

Nearly anyone can represent their community, as long as they are over the age of 18, a New Zealand citizen and enrolled on the Parliamentary electoral roll.

Ashburton District Council Chief Executive Hamish Riach said now was the chance for people to step up, share their ideas and help lead the district.

“We're looking for candidates of all ages and backgrounds, all you need is a passion to serve your community.”

To help potential candidates prepare, the Council will be holding a candidates information evening on Tuesday 19 July from 5.30pm at Council Chambers.  Anyone interested in standing is encouraged to attend.

“Even if you’re not sure yet that you want to stand, this is a great opportunity to ask questions and find out a bit more about what’s involved. Perhaps you know someone else who would make a good candidate, whatever the reason, come along!”

The Council has recently launched the website to provide easy access to information for voters and candidates. It has a ton of information about the local elections, including nomination forms, maps for the different wards and Frequently Asked Questions.

In Mid Canterbury, people will also be voting for two representatives at Environment Canterbury. Those interested in standing for the regional council can find out more at

Nominations for all roles are open from today until noon on 12 August. Candidates cannot nominate themselves and they must be nominated by two people, who are over 18 and enrolled to vote in the same ward or area the candidate is planning to stand.

Mr Riach says he encourages candidates to complete their nominations early, so they can be checked for any technical errors well before the deadline.

The local elections are conducted by postal vote, and people can expect to receive their voting packs in the mail from 16 September. Voting closes at noon on Saturday 8 October.

Local candidates will be listed at once their nominations are processed.

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