Backing Mark in his 60km walk for Movember

Published: 10 November 2022

Rakaia School principal and volunteer firefighter Mark Ellis is ticking over the kilometres this month to support Movember and men’s mental health.

He aims to walk 60km during the month, sometimes wearing his full firefighter kit, and he is hoping others may choose to walk with him – there will be an opportunity on Wednesday 16 November, when he will be walking at the EA Networks Centre between 4pm-8pm.

He’ll be wearing his firefighter kit that day and says walking for four hours will be a challenge, as the protective gear weighs 16kg.

“I have climbed the Sky Tower wearing it six times now in support of Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand, so I am used to it, but it will be a challenge to walk as far as I can over the four-hour period.”

The kit will also help raise awareness for emergency staff, who encounter mental health issues and suicide on a regular basis.

“I decided to do Movember because mental health and suicide prevention in New Zealand needs funding urgently. Working in education and Fire and Emergency NZ, I have seen both issues.

“Everyone has a story and by raising awareness of mental health we let everyone know that it is normal to have challenges and uncertainty.”

Mark said men usually grew a moustache in Movember but as he already had one, he decided on a physical challenge to show his support.

“Being physically fit certainly helps mental capacity and even the way you think about yourself. I think mental health needs to lose some of its stigma in this country and we need to look after our mental health just as we look after our physical health.

“It’s not always an easy thing to do.

“As a principal, I try to keep my pupils well with confidence in themselves and their achievements, and as adults we also need to have our achievements celebrated with a kind word and support.

“Kindness is a big thing we need to use more, and empathy needs to be taught and practised, rather than judgement.”

Mark will be collecting donations for Movember during the month and people who want to support him can do so at the EA Networks Centre on Wednesday 16 November, or by going to the Movember website and donating there by searching his name https://nz/

EA Networks Centre manager Richard Wood said the recreation centre was pleased to be supporting Mark’s walk for Movember.

“Let’s all be strong and support this good cause too.”

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