Action on Lakes Camp and Clearwater development plan

Published: 30 September 2022

Action to protect sensitive areas at the Ashburton Lakes is under way, with recreational driving in 4WDs and ATVs now prohibited on the southern boundary of Lake Camp.

Camping is also prohibited on the southern boundary.

Compliance and Strategy Group Manager Jane Donaldson said signs advising of the bans were going up in the area, which was well used by visitors and Lake Clearwater hut-holders.

“This is the first action to come out of the Lakes Camp and Clearwater 30-year development plan, which was adopted by Council this month and developed after some quality submissions from hut-holders and others who use the area.

“We receive frequent reports, often with photographic evidence, of people in 4WDs driving through mud on the fringes of Lake Camp’s southern boundary and causing damage to the land, and the flora and fauna that live there.

“Both lakes are part of a very special area and we needed rules to protect it from the damaging behaviour of some.”

Council is working with Environment Canterbury, the Department of Conservation, takata whenua, hut-holders and other interest groups to manage and improve the area for future generations.

There are concerns about water quality in Lake Clearwater and long-drop toilets at the huts have already been removed to exclude them as a source of water pollution.

Council is producing a brochure that will be available in paper form and online, advising visitors of the new rules. It also points out that dogs are not allowed, where public toilets are located, where camping is welcome and ways to deal with rubbish and recycling.

Ms Donaldson said the brochure was aimed at day-trippers, campers and other visitors, and Council would be working with hut-holders separately on ways they could help biodiversity in the area.

You can read the full development plan here.

Map of Lake Camp and huts

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