Time parking at CBD being monitored and enforced

Published: 9 December 2021

The CBD’s new in-ground parking sensors might be stuck in Auckland, but Ashburton District Council parking wardens are still making sure motorists are abiding by parking limits, especially in the busy lead-up to Christmas.

Strategy and Compliance Group Manager Jane Donaldson said people’s usual parking habits had been disrupted by the CBD streetscape work over the past 24 months, but now that the project is nearly finished, the parking limit signs were back up.

“There was some all-day overstaying during the redevelopment, mainly due to the lack of signage, but that has lessened. There is still an issue with motorists generally overstaying their limit though.”

Parking wardens are paying attention to all areas of the CBD that have timed parking and issuing infringements where necessary.

Motorists are allowed one-hour free parking in most of the CBD, while the outer edges vary from 60 to 120 minutes.

Fines for those caught overstaying range from $12 to $42, depending on how long the vehicle has overstayed. Motorists parking illegally at a bus stop can expect a $40 fine, while those illegally in a mobility park face a $150 fine.

“The parking limits are all about ensuring a turnover of vehicles in the CBD, so there is always space for customers wanting to park and shop,” Ms Donaldson said.

“We don’t expect staff working at CBD businesses to be taking up parking spaces as there are options for all-day parking within a short walk.”

The new in-ground parking sensors will be fitted early next year. They will electronically log when a vehicle parks in a space, then send an alert to a parking warden if the vehicle has overstayed the free time allowed.

The sensors have been stored in Auckland during the covid lockdown.

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