Is your swimming pool fenced?

Published: 8 December 2021

Ashburton District Council is reminding pool owners to check gate latches and compliance with fencing rules ahead of summer.

The fencing rules apply to permanent and portable or temporary swimming pools, capable of holding water more than 40cm deep.

Council has 558 registered pools on its books and inspects them once every three years.

Strategy and Compliance Group Manager Jane Donaldson said there was generally good compliance, with just the odd bit of maintenance required on the gate latch or self-closer.

“An interesting thing that sometimes catches people out is that any unclimbable shrubs or trees that were beside a fence three years ago may have grown to be climbable, so young children have a means of getting into a pool area.

“Portable or temporary swimming pools or paddling pools are a separate concern because the people who buy them or use them may not realise they also have to comply with fencing requirements.”

If you’re buying a portable pool, it has to comply with exactly the same rules as a permanent pool if it can hold more than 40cm deep of water. Even if you only partially fill it, that doesn’t make it compliant.

Pool retailers are legally required to inform the purchaser that fencing is required and generally this is printed on the pool or pool packaging.

Ms Donaldson said the fencing rules were for safety reasons and to prevent accidental drowning.

“Under the Building (Pools) Amendment Act that came into effect on 1 January 2017, portable pools are treated in the same way as other residential pools. They must have barriers to stop children under five from accessing them.

“We don’t want the tragedy of a child being lost because of an unfenced pool.”

Find out more about swimming and spa pool safety here.

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