From Waka Kotahi NZTA: A big thank you

Published: 15 December 2021

We wish to take this opportunity to give a big thank you to the Ashburton community for your hospitality during 2021. We are grateful for your patience and especially for the way everyone has driven slowly through the work site.

It's been a busy time and a lot has been achieved since we began work. So far the team has:

* Cleared the site and removed the existing roundabouts,
* Widened the road and constructed new footpaths,
* Poured new kerbs and median islands,
* Started constructing new asphalt pavements to East Street and West Street,
* Installed and relocated services and stormwater,
* Commenced installing streetlights and traffic signals.

Holiday period

Traffic management will be reduced as much as possible during the summer holiday period to mitigate delays.

Temporary roundabouts will be maintained with bollards as well as pedestrian refuge crossings on both East Street and West Street with designated pedestrian routes fenced off through the site. Cones will be pushed back as wide as possible and removed from the central medians to open up the carriageway with fencing maintained along construction zones.

Speed restrictions will be maintained at 30km/h.

During the shutdown period (22 December 2021 to 11 January 2022) Fulton Hogan’s Emergency contact number is 0800 ROAD FH (0800 7623 34).

Upcoming works in 2022

We have a busy programme ahead once work resumes on January 11.

Complete the new stormwater basins
Install traffic signal ducting across West Street
Pavement construction to new widening areas
Footpath construction ongoing.

Start pavement construction on East and West Streets
Install traffic lights.

Our traffic management during this time will change according to the work being undertaken but we will let you know in advance of any significant traffic management changes or night works.  Once again, we are very grateful for your patience and especially your compliance with signage and speed restrictions during construction.

And finally, Waka Kotahi, Ashburton District Council, KiwiRail, Beca, Fulton Hogan and all the subcontractors working on the project – wish everyone a safe and festive Christmas and New Year.

Wherever your holiday takes you, drive safely and stay safe.

For more information on the Walnut Avenue intersection improvements project, see here.

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