Dog owners urged to protect pets against parvovirus

Published: 10 December 2021

Dog owners in the Ashburton District are being urged to make sure their pets are vaccinated, amid a reported rise in canine parvovirus cases in Christchurch.

Council Strategy and Compliance Group Manager Jane Donaldson said parvovirus was a contagious illness and there were fears it could easily spread to wider Canterbury.

“It’s really important our dog owners know about parvovirus and get their puppies and dogs vaccinated before going out and about.”

The vaccine costs about $40 to administer and most puppies are vaccinated against parvovirus at six weeks of age. A booster every three years is recommended.

Parvovirus affects a dog’s gastrointestinal tract and initial symptoms include lethargy, lack of appetite and fever. This usually progresses to vomiting and bloody diarrhoea; it can be fatal.

The SPCA in Christchurch has warned dog owners about a recent rise in parvovirus cases.

Ms Donaldson said while the disease was highly contagious, it was preventable.

“Vaccination is the key to preventing this disease and protecting dogs.”

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