Braided Waters Trust gifts $102,000 for trails

Published: 20 December 2021

Ashburton District Council has been gifted  $102,443 from the Braided Waters Trust to distribute over the next 10 years to groups involved in the repair and maintenance of walking, hiking, cycling and mountain bike trails in the Ashburton District.

The funds will be distributed annually via Council’s grants scheme.

The trust was formed in 2009 to establish the Braided Waters Cycleway but has not been able to raise the funds required to construct the trail. Trustees Kelvin Holmes and Neil Donaldson approached Council in February this year to ask Council to accept the funds, as the trust has been wound up.

Council already contributes some funding to community-built and maintained cycle, walking and mountain bike trails, with the community groups running the trails relying on private donations and external funders for new projects or maintenance costs.

Community Services Group Manager Steve Fabish said Council was pleased to accept the funds and distribute the money to assist the trail groups in maintaining their trails for all to enjoy.

“Walking and bike trails bring visitors to the district to compete in events and are there for people to socialise and exercise on. We are happy to set up the application and distribution process and will be inviting groups to submit applications for funds in due course.

“This will be an additional source of funding for them.”

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