Traffic access-way for Burnett and Tancred Streets during Midtown Mardi Gras event

Published: 25 September 2020

People heading into the Ashburton CBD on Monday 28 September are being advised to check which roads and access-ways will be available while East Street is closed for the Midtown Mardi Gras event.

East Street (from Havelock Street to Moore Street) will be closed to traffic on Monday from 7am to 6pm for the event, which will restrict access around Burnett and Tancred Streets.

The two streets have become one-way roads as work progresses on the CBD streetscape revitalisation.

On Monday, visitors to Burnett Street will still be able to access the road from Cass Street. Tancred Street (which is now one-way from East Street) will be accessible via the Eastfield carpark from Burnett Street.

Traffic on both Burnett and Tancred can then exit the area onto Cass Street from Tancred Street.​​

Public parking will also be available in the Eastfield carpark for $2.00 for all day parking.

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