Stand at dawn this Anzac Day

Published: 17 April 2020

The COVID-19 lockdown may have cancelled usual Anzac Day services around New Zealand this year, but Kiwis are being encouraged to commemorate the occasion by standing at dawn, wherever they are on Saturday 25 April.

The RSA and New Zealand Defence Force are inviting people to join in the national Stand at Dawn at 6.00am. People can stand at their gate, their front door, in their lounge or in their driveway to take a moment to remember the nation's fallen.
Veterans can also wear their medals, just as they would for the offical public gathering.
Radio NZ National will be broadcasting the official dawn service at 6.00am, and people are encouraged to tune in on their radiolisten live online or on their ​​phone through the free app.
The national broadcast will include ​the Last Post, Ode of Remembrance in Te Reo and English, national anthems and an address from the Minister of Defence/Minster for Veterans, Ron Mark.
People are reminded that they must remain in their lockdown 'bubbles' for the commemorations.
As a further show of solidarity and support of Anzac Day, the Council is also encouraging people to make a poppy and hang it on their letterbox or fence.
​For more information on Stand at Dawn, visit

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