Remember to re-register your dog this July

Published: 29 June 2020

Thousands of local dog owners will begin re-registering their pets and working dogs from tomorrow, as dog registration for the 2020/21 year kicks off right around the country.

July is dog registration month, and renewal forms were mailed to owners in mid-June ready for registrations to be done on time before the end of July.

All dogs aged three months and over must be registered with the Council before August. The registration fees go towards funding animal control services in the district including operating the dog pound, providing dog safety education programmes and responding to animal complaints.

Council Strategy & Compliance Group Manager Jane Donaldson says it's important that owners register on time.

"One of the key responsibilities of owning a dog is having it registered each year. It's a quick process you can do online, or alternatively, come and see us at the Council office. We encourage owners to register as soon as they can so that they don't run out of time."

Owners who do not register by 31 July risk being charged late fees. Infringement notices may then be issu​ed from 1 September, and any dogs still not registered by 11 September may be seized.​

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