Planting day helps to improve Wakanui Beach biodiversity

Published: 1 October 2020

Biodiversity values are continuing to improve at Wakanui Beach on the Mid Canterbury coastline, thanks to another successful native planting day last month.

Members of the Wakanui Beach Restoration Crew, consisting of Council's Open Spaces staff, Forest & Bird volunteers and Environment Canterbury staff turned out on Thursday 3 September​​ to plant more than 250 native species as part of the Council's Landscape Concept and Management Plan.​

Pictured: Volunteers from the Wakanui Beach Restoration Crew planting native species at Wakanui Beach.

The plantings ​add to the many hundreds already planted at Wakanui Beach at previous planting days.

The planting days have traditionally involved local school students from Wakanui School, however with COVID-19 affecting the school term, they were unable to participate in September.

The Landscape and Management Plan aims to restore the beach with native plants which in turn are helping to attract native animals and other species back to the ecologically important site.

Wakanui Beach, which is located on the coast approximately 18km from Ashburton, has significant importance for the district's biodiversity. It is home to a number of rare native plants and several rare butterfly species that rely on the plants for survival.

The Council wishes to thank all of the volunteers for lending a hand on the planting day and helping to restore ecological values at Wakanui Beach.​

If you would like to get involved in protecting and enhancing the district's biodiversity or participate in future group projects, contact the Council on 03 307 7700 or email​.

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