Nominations now open for Community Honours Awards

Published: 19 August 2020

Residents who want to celebrate an outstanding local volunteer in their community are being invited to nominate them for the Ashburton District's Community Honours Awards, which are now open until 25 September.

The Community Honours Awards recognise individuals and organisations who have carried out meritorious voluntary community service in the district.

Mayor Neil Brown says it's important that those who selflessly contribute their time and efforts should be recognised, and that the awards are the perfect opportunity to do so.

"There are many incredible people from a variety of diverse backgrounds in our community who work selflessly donating their time for the benefit of others. Without their contributions, many of the activities and services we enjoy would not happen. That's why it's important that we show them how much their community appreciates them.

"If you know an organisation or someone who you think is deserving of this recognition, please nominate them by 25 September."

The awards are available in four categories; Mayor's Award for Public Service, Ashburton Medal, Civic Awards and Honorary Citizens.

Mayor Brown, Deputy Mayor Liz McMillian and Councillors Leen Braam, Angus McKay and Stuart Wilson will assess the nominations and select the successful recipients.

“The award subcommittee is looking for individuals or organisations who, through their volunteer work, make this community more welcoming, vibrant and inclusive,” Mayor Brown says.

"There are many people who work tirelessly supporting those who are new to our community to settle in and feel more at home. Many are volunteers from a variety of cultures who offer their skills and time to support community members. As our district continues to welcome people from diverse backgrounds, it would be great to see some of these volunteers recognised for the work they do," he added.

Volunteers of any age can be nominated and they can be involved in organisations such as school boards; managing or coaching sporting teams; assisting with church activities; conservation projects; helping in the health, elderly or social service sector; being a leader or helper with a youth organisation; or giving time in the area of art, culture or heritage.​

To learn more about the awards and to nominate, visit​. Nominations close on Friday 25 September.

Further Information

Mayor’s Award for Public Service - The Mayor’s Award for Public Service is the highest civic honour bestowed by the Council. Mayor’s Awards are rare awards given to people who have made a significant and sustained contribution to the district. The award recognises the recipients as stewards of the district and as people of special note. Nominees for the awards must have made a significant contribution to the district for more than 20 years. This civic honour is bestowed upon an individual for their lifetime. There is no limit to the number of people recognised as worthy of the Mayor’s Award for Public Service. Worthy nominees are identified and assessed on a case by case basis.

Ashburton Medal - The Ashburton Medal honours the significant achievement of individuals or teams who have been very successful in their chosen field and who have made an outstanding contribution to the district as a whole, or outstanding national or international achievements. Only one Ashburton Medal may be awarded each year.

Civic Awards - Civic Awards are awarded in recognition of substantial service, usually of a voluntary nature or beyond normal employment, benefiting Ashburton District and its people. The nominees will have generally carried out predominantly voluntary work but payment for services will not necessarily disqualify receiving an award. Substantial service includes short‐term or long‐term projects or activities that have benefited the whole of the district adding to the quality of life of residents. In exceptional circumstances an award may be granted to a non‐resident of Ashburton, if the service has been carried out in Ashburton District. No more than 5 Civic Awards may be made each year.

Honorary Citizens - Honorary citizenship is an extraordinary honour granted to individuals who have given great service to Ashburton. Honorary citizenship is a symbolic gesture. It does not grant any legal rights to citizenship of New Zealand. Honorary citizenship may be granted to an individual, organisation or a position/title. Honorary citizenship may be awarded at any time.​

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