New online directory helping revive Mid Canterbury economy from COVID-19 restrictions

Published: 13 April 2020

As the focus turns to rebuilding New Zealand's economy in the coronavirus recovery phase, Mid Canterbury has launched a new 'shop local' initiative that is helping businesses re-establish and reach out to their customers.

The Mid Canterbury Open for Business campaign (​) is an all-of-district drive encouraging residents to support their local businesses with the help of a new, easy-to-use online business directory.

Since its launch on 23 April, more than 180 businesses in the primary producing South Island community have already registered to appear in the online listing. Several other councils have also been in touch wanting to replicate the campaign and directory tool in their own regions.

Ashburton District Mayor, Neil Brown says the Council has developed the campaign to help business owners get back on their feet and reach their customers as soon as restrictions allow.

"There is no textbook for what we are facing as a nation, but it has been very clear to us as a Council that something needed to be done to support our business community and help bring us out on the other side.

"More than ever, people are beginning to realise the importance of spending their money locally, of seeing businesses being able to stay open and provide local jobs. It takes a whole community to make that happen, and that's what Mid Canterbury Open for Business is all about."

Through the intuitive directory, residents can easily find what businesses are or will be open, when they're available, what they are offering and any deals or specials they may have for customers. The tool is especially helpful as Alert Levels may continue to disrupt ordinary business hours and offerings.

Everything from restaurants, retailers, service providers, trades people and social services are included in the directory, and more and more are joining the free online platform every day.

The site is friendly and inviting, with categories, business descriptions and links to their websites or social media pages. Businesses may also wish to list job vacancies.

"After launching only two weeks ago, we began hearing from other councils around the country that want to introduce the campaign and business directory tool for their communities as well," Ashburton District Council Chief Executive, Hamish Riach explains.

"We're more than happy to share it with others and have worked with our developer, Squiz to make this tool easily and quickly deployable," he says.

Mayor Brown adds it is important for communities to rally around each other to get through these trying times. "We're all in this together, and we are going to have to depend on each other more than ever to get through this unprecedented time. Our Open for Business campaign and tool helps us facilitate that."
About Mid Canterbury:

Mid Canterbury is home to the award winning Mt Hutt ski fields near Methven and the salmon fish capital, Rakaia. Located an hour south of Christchurch, the region is celebrated for its snow capped mountain backdrop, impressive braided rivers and crystal clear lakes. The region is supported by a strong agricultural and manufacturing sector of beef, lamb and dairy production.​

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