Mid Canterbury to share in Provincial Growth Funding for town halls and war memorials

Published: 26 October 2020

The Mt Hutt Memorial Hall, Mt Somers War Memorial Hall, Seafield Hall and Ashburton war memorial and cenotaph will each receive a share of $181,000 for repairs and renovations, thanks to Provincial Growth Funding (PGF) announced today by Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones.

The Minister has revealed that 97 town halls and war memorials from across the country will benefit from a total of $12.4 million of funding for renovations, and Ashburton District Mayor Neil Brown says it is wonderful that four Mid Canterbury facilities have been included.Pictured: The Ashburton cenotaph in Baring Sqare West has been awarded $40,000 from the PGF to repair the two flag pole stone bases.

"We are very excited for the improvements this funding will provide these important halls and monuments, as well as the economic benefits they will have for our tradespeople.

"Each hall has a long and valued history in our community and they continue to serve many people for a range of purposes, from church services and children's playgroups right through to community functions, weddings, funerals and centres for Civil Defence activities.

"The Ashburton cenotaph is our district's main war memorial and we are pleased that it will receive the repairs it needs to continue honouring those who have served our country."

$141,582 will be used for a range of repairs to the halls including interior and exterior painting, re-cladding, replacing auditorium chairs, gibing, purchasing a generator for Civil Defence activities and demolishing an old chimney, while $40,000 will be used to repair the two flag pole stone bases at the Ashburton war memorial and cenotaph.

The renovations are expected to create 40 jobs.

The Government earmarked money for town hall and war memorial renovations in May as part of at least $600 million being refocused on projects with more immediate jobs and economic benefits to assist the COVID-19 recovery.

All four renovation projects are expected to start before the end of the year.​

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