Methven and Chertsey water restrictions raised to level three

Published: 22 January 2020

The Ashburton District Council has upgraded the Methven and Chertsey water schemes to a level three restriction, and these will be in place until further notice.

Methven had been on a level two restriction and Chertsey on a level one restriction since 20 December, however excessive water consumption in both areas at peak times is beginning to affect the service to households, and the Council is introducing the tighter restrictions to control the high usage.

A level three restriction permits residents to use a hand-held hose between the hours of 6pm and midnight on alternate days. The restriction does not allow sprinklers, automatic irrigation systems or micro sprays to be used.

Residents in Methven with an even street address can hose on even dates, while residents with an odd street number can hose on odd dates. For Chertsey, residents who live on the southeast side of Maldon Street can hose on even dates, and those northwest of Maldon Street on odd dates.

"We've been experiencing another hot and dry summer, and unfortunately increased demand on these two supplies is beginning to take its toll," Council Service Delivery Group Manager Neil McCann says.

"Please adhere to the restrictions so that the water service can continue to be delivered at a good pressure to everyone."

The Council upgraded the Mt Somers water supply to a level five - water conservation restriction yesterday to protect the supply source, as water levels have dropped dramatically. This restriction remains in place.

Ashburton, Lake Hood, Fairton, Hakatere, Hinds, Mayfield and Rakaia are on a level one restriction.

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