Level four water restriction for Mt Somers
The Ashburton District Council is advising residents in Mt Somers that a level four water restriction is now in place until further notice.
This elevated water restriction is required as water levels have dropped dramatically in the source catchment of the Mt Somers water supply over the weekend. With no significant rain in the immediate forecast, Council is urging residents to conserve water at this time.
Level 4 Water Restriction Rules
Hosing Ban - No hosing is permitted at any time during this restriction. You can water gardens by hand using a bucket or watering can.
“The drier conditions seem to have resulted in much higher water consumption in Mt Somers in recent days,” says Council Service Delivery Group Manager, Neil McCann. "Immediate action is required to conserve water at this time to help protect the water source for this supply," he added.
The level four restriction does not apply to any other water schemes in the district at this time.
The restriction will remain in place until further notice.
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