Infrastructure funding announced for three waters reform

Published: 5 August 2020

Following last month's Government announcement regarding plans on water reform that would see millions invested to help upgrade the country's three waters infrastructure, the Minister of Local Government, Hon Nanaia Mahuta, has recently announced the allocations of this fund.

The funding is made available to Councils agreeing to participate in the first phase of the three waters services reform programme, totaling $761 million.

The Ashburton District Council welcomes the announcement and the potential access to its four million dollars allocated to the District. Council will decide whether to participate in the first phase of the three water services reform programme before the 31 August deadline.

Ashburton District Mayor Neil Brown said that while participation in this programme is non-binding, committing to the first phase of work to better understand the detail of the reform process may prove beneficial.

"Council can now consider this opportunity knowing the amount of money made available to the District in the first instance.

"We have the preliminary information needed to decide whether to get involved in the process, and take advantage of what is being offered by participating in the programme.

“A bit further down the track, when the details of the reform are better known, I expect our community will have an opportunity to have their say by way of a consultation process; I look forward to reviewing their feedback as well."

The investment packaged intends to stimulate economic activity and jobs in all regions of New Zealand while also encouraging as many councils as possible to participate in the reform programme​

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