Havelock and Cass Street intersection upgrades progressing on track for reopening
The Ashburton CBD's latest intersection to be upgraded is on track for reopening on 4 October and once completed, drivers are being urged to take care as it will no longer be a roundabout, but a giveway intersection.
The Havelock/Cass Street intersection has been closed to through-traffic since Monday 21 September while Truline Civil contractors excavate the road in preparation for new, raised pavement. Once finished, the intersection will match that at Cass and Moore Streets - a raised surface that will indicate to drivers that they have entered a 30km zone.
Havelock Street will have right of way while Cass Street will be giveway.
The new paving blocks are expected to be laid on Monday 28 September before road seal is applied at the approaches to the intersection on Sunday 4 October. The work is weather dependant and may be delayed if wet conditions are experienced.
From Monday 28 September, the contractors will also begin a full road digout on Cass Street between Havelock Street and Burnett Street, which will close the area to all through-traffic until Sunday 4 October.
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