Final touches coming for Chalmers Avenue roadworks

Published: 5 February 2020

​​Final touches to a stretch of Chalmers Avenue in Ashburton where a new sewer main was installed last year will get underway this month, which will improve the road surface for drivers.

The last top coat to seal the road on Chalmers Avenue between Grey Street and the Netherby roundabout at Walnut Avenue will begin application on Monday 24 February, while rehabilitation work at the roundabout will also be completed.

The work will mean that the section of road will be closed for one week, and a detour will be in place.

The Council installed a new sewer main three metres under the road in 2019, and with sufficient time now passed for the ground to settle, Council Service Delivery Group Manager Neil McCann says the final road surface is now ready to be applied.​

"Our contractors will chipseal the road which will provide the final top layer that we've been waiting for. In addition, the road around the roundabout will be dug up, strengthened and sealed.

"Generally with these types of projects where the road is dug up, we need the ground to properly settle over a period of time so that the infill has had to time compact. We then come back and apply the top surface.

"Once completed, this section of road should be a more pleasureable experience for drivers," Mr McCann adds.

The work is expected to be finished by 1 March.​

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