Essential businesses allowed to trade over Easter

Published: 8 April 2020

Essential businesses operating during the COVID-19 lockdown such as supermarkets, dairies and service stations will be allowed to open on Easter Sunday, and residents are urged to check their opening hours to see if they will be different from normal.

Under the Shop Trading Hours Act 1990, these types of businesses have the option to remain open.

Some councils have adopted Easter trading policies, which regulate whether other businesses and retailers can open on Easter Sunday in addition to those essential services already allowed.

In 2017, the Ashburton District Council decided not to permit Easter trading in the district. This decision is largely redundant during the COVID-19 lockdown, as many retailers are unable to operate at this stage.

The Government has also confirmed that supermarkets will not be able to open on Good Friday.

Many essential businesses are advertising their opening hours over the Easter long weekend online.​​

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