Deteriorating cherry trees removed from Ashburton Domain

Published: 24 February 2020

​Deteriorating health for the cherry trees in the Ashburton Domain has forced the Council to remove the blossom trees and open up the space for new possibilities.

Pictured: The cherry tree walkway is no longer bordered by the blossoming trees.

The Council had been trying to prolong the life of the beloved trees along the Domain walkway, but rotting limbs and die back were only getting worse, and the decision was made to remove the trees.

Cherry trees typically have a lifespan of between 15 and 20 years.

Although the Council had been pruning and using best practices to maintain the trees, they had slowly begun to lose their vigour and would not have survived for much longer.

Pictured: The once glorious cherry trees were a popular spot for photos in the Ashburton Domain.​

The Council is considering what might replace the once glorious trees.

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