Council announces successful buyer of former i-SITE building
The Ashburton District Council has accepted an offer for the purchase and removal of the former Ashburton i-SITE building.
Mid Canterbury Aero Club is the successful tenderer for the building and it is expected they will remove the building from East Street by the end of December.
The Aero Club will use the building to replace its old clubrooms, as these require significant refurbishment.
The Council also considered one other offer for the building from Trotts Community Garden Charitable Trust.
Council Chief Executive Hamish Riach says the Council was pleased to see two great proposals put forward for the building.
"Our intention was for the building to have a continued community use, and both proposals had considerable merit. We're pleased that rather than being lost, the building will have a new life for our community."
It was previously decided that the building would not form part of the Ashburton CBD Streetscape Revitalisation project that is currently underway.
The Council sought expressions of interest in February and March this year for the building to be purchased and removed.
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