Council adopts 30 year Ashburton domain development plan

Published: 6 November 2020

An exciting future is on the horizon for Ashburton's premier green space after the Council officially adopted the Ashburton Domain Development Plan last week.

The 30 year plan details upgrades and improvements to the Domain designed to continue meeting the needs of a growing community and enhance visitors' experiences in what has long been considered 'the jewel in the crown' of Ashburton.

Improvements include upgrading the playground equipment and creating a new water play and paddling pool area near the playground; building new paths; improving connectivity to Ashburton town; and waterway upgrades.

Councillors approved several changes to the final plan after a thorough consultation process earlier in the year.

Notably, the Central Hub that had been proposed where the bowling club is will instead be located on the northern side of the carpark adjacent to the playground.

The aviary will be removed and a wildlife garden will be expanded into this area. In the long term, a modern walkthrough aviary is envisaged to be incorporated into the wildlife garden.

The timeline for some of the projects has also been adjusted, including the construction of the new Walnut Avenue access-way and promenade which has been brought forward.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency will be installing traffic lights at the West Street/Walnut Avenue intersection in early 2021. The Council will build a new entrance from Walnut Avenue as traffic will be unable to perform a right turn in or out of the Domain from West Street once the lights are operating.

The traffic lights will also improve pedestrian access into the Domain.

Ashburton District Mayor Neil Brown says the Ashburton Domain is an iconic facility and the Council is proud to have crafted a plan that reflects the aspirations and values of its diverse community.

"The quality feedback we received through consultation has been instrumental in helping to shape the future of our beloved Domain. Thank you to everyone who submitted and who came to speak at the hearings.

"The Domain has been a prominent venue in our district for the last 150 years and now we have a clear path forward to ensure it remains a valued and well-developed facility for residents and visitors for many more years to come."

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